Sunday, February 10, 2013

Devil's Cub by Georgette Heyer

This romance set in Regency times

inspires with its beauty, settings and

endearing characters who follow on

from the favourite book of “These Old Shades”

which was set about twenty years previously.

The charm of the earlier characters cannot

fail to amuse and entrance the reader with

their various quirks and foibles.

Lady Fanning, with her two children who

are remarkably alike in temperament to herself and her husband

when they were younger, Lord Rupert with his

carefree attitude and his Grace, the Duke of Avon

and the Duchess with her engaging personality, who enlighten the story. The Duke's old friend,

Sir Hugh Davenant, also puts in an appearance.

The story is evolves around Miss Mary Challoner and the Duke's son,

the Marquis of Vidal.

An unlikely romance ensues after many adventures

and misapprehensions. Miss Mary's own father had been disinherited

by his own father for marrying her mother and Mary, being a little

different from her mother and sister did not wish for the same consequence

to happen upon the Marquis, who wishes to marry her.

The story is set in a time where propriety in all things was of the highest importance

in society. Respectability and being seen to act in a proper manner did take

precedence over actions and how people were seen to live their lives.

The story is lively and amusing. The characters are so authentic and also likeable.

It is a pleasure to read this book and follow the whims and fancies of the characters

and their journey to France.

There is also humour in the story and wonderful descriptions given on the page of the sea,

the horses, the towns, the inns and balls. It is a wonderful and intoxicating novel to read.

Descriptions of the characters give substance to the story and Miss Mary Challoner was an

unlikely character, seeming to be staid and strait-laced but also well educated.

It is a captivating story which appeals for the romance of the situation.

Due to

unexpected circumstances at one time Miss Mary Challoner found herself travelling in France

without her abigail and luggage which was seen to be not at all appropriate and without

assistance at an opportune moment she would have found herself in a dire predicament.

It is wonderful to read of the manners and way of life of Regency times where it is

so different from today and the expectations of society were so very exacting in modes

of dress and customs. Fencing and duelling also came into play.

The Regency setting gives the book an added charm for all

of these different modes of conduct and expectations.

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