I am constantly impressed
by the talent and creativity
of contemporary authors of
I have recently read two
books by Charlotte Betts which are
set in the seventeenth
I enjoyed reading both of
these books.
The Painter's Apprentice
is a wonderful descriptive story of London
set during the time of
James II and depicts life as it was during
those fascinating times in
London. Horses and carriages, an elegant style of living and the
manners and mores of the times are evident in the writing.
The settings of London and
its surrounds are quite fascinating and
the characters of the
story are endearing.
I loved the romance of the
story of Beth who falls in love with a
a budding and ambitious
architect from the New World
who assists Sir
Christopher Wren with many
of the new works including
a church which are flourishing in London at this time.
Beth visits London to
assist the Bishop at Fulham Palace with drawing and depicting the
flowers and plants of his botanical gardens.
Beth has come from an
unusual but loving home whereby her parents
helped and assisted
unfortunate people of society who did not have
anywhere else to go to and
would have been sent to the Bedlam Asylum
if not for the repose
offered at Beth's home of Merryfields.
It was here
that Beth gained her
invaluable skills as an apprentice painter to one of the
long term residents. This
aspect of the story is quite fascinating with
variable descriptions of
previous events in history which may have affected
some of the residents.
The story also gives an
indication of the times and the way of life of seventeenth
century London. The mood
of the times, the populace of London and
aspects of the reign of
James II are also described.
The story gives
descriptions of the events which eventually
lead to the Glorious
Revolution and Princess Mary, daughter of James II and her
husband, William of
Orange, succeeding to the throne of England.
The romance and sense of
adventure, the fascinating portrayal of members of Beth's
family and the enduring
beauty of many of the scenes with descriptive and expressive
writing give credence to
this wonderful story.
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